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I really enjoyed reading this and felt myself giving an inner “fuck yes” as I did. In my early 40s I’m still learning to give less fucks and I like you I also love speaking with women a little further down the trail who embody this. Every Wednesday (today here) we have tuna pasta - usually with a lot of cheese and white sauce. Every Wednesday I 1. Look forward to serving a meal that every person in my house enjoys, 2. Feel relief that on a very busy work/after school commitments day I have allowed myself to make something easy but 3. Have a nagging voice listing all the questions you outlined above - is it nutritious enough? Should they be having this every single week? Should I add vegetables to the meal? Tonight, I’m going to care less and serve us our pasta and instead think about how nice it is to come together as a family and eat something yummy. Thank you!!

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